Relocating, Renaming, and Changes

I'm not an Island Gypsy Doctor anymore. This is not a bad thing. It's been almost a decade since I showed up as a scared 20-something to a little volcanic island in the middle of nowhere. My days on Saba were formative both for me as a person and a physician, but it's not where I am anymore, literally or figuratively. And even though throughout the process of medical school I lived in many places- Florida, Louisiana, West Virginia, and Brooklyn- I don't move every couple of months now. I am no longer a itinerant doctor. More importantly though, I don't say "gypsy" anymore because it's considered a racial slur to the Romani people. And I'm a big believer in when you learn you've screwed up you own it and make it right. Over the last 8 years, I have been many places, I have seen a lot of things I could have never imagined, and met so many amazing people. This blog is where I grew up as a writer and physician and person, but part of growth i...